"Misinformation is as much expressive as it is injunctive. Posters were not seeking to convince anyone in this fully bought-in community that the election was rigged against Trump. They were, for the most part, manifesting their fears for an outcome that didn’t align with their worldview. Once reality aligned with their preferences, rumoring became less urgent."

This. This is great Alex. And it's what truly fascinates me the most - how can folks spreading election fraud rumors not realize that ditching the argument as soon as your candidate wins says everything about the veracity of the rumors? It's upsetting, but also fascinating. It's just... whoa.

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I'll be curious to see how it spins and evolves over the next few months. I'm glad to see the NYT found a similar decrease in interest as I did in my qualitative review through some social listening tools. Election denialism isn't over, but it's nakedly partisan https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/06/technology/trump-election-denial.html

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